

イチイ塾 留学経験・社内通訳経験をもつ講師による塾生徹底サポート!

英検準1級面接 独自質問(Q2、Q3、Q4)予想問題




(準1 級面接)英検面接予想問題









Should we push young children to start studying English as early as possible?



 Are Japanese companies conscientious about their female workers?


Do you think that it is very difficult to study English in Japan?



Do you think that Japanese society is becoming better for foreign tourists?



Should people do more to protect endangered languages?



Do you think that more people in Japan will be interested in having a career in manufacturing?



Do you think that public universities should be free of charge for everyone?



Should each individual do more to reduce the amount of energy that we use?




Do you think that parents should control their child's academic performance?



Do you think that the Internet has a beneficial effect on society?



Do you think that the government should ban smoking in all restaurants?



Has IT had a positive effect on school education?



Is a part-time job necessary for students to be full-time workers?


Should the number of weekly working hours in Japan be decreased?








Do you think that new technology, such as AI, will make our lives better?




Does society provide sufficient support to families with children?




Do you think that unemployment increases because of IT?




Should people believe more about what the news media reports?




Do people in modern society put enough importance on spending time with the local community?


Do you think that advertising for tobacco should be banned?



Will Japan's population continue to decrease in the future?



Do you think that it is important for workers to change their jobs?




Do you think that universities should offer more scholarships for good students?


Do you think that many companies in Japan ask their employees to work extra hours?



Do you think that our society should become completely cashless?


Do you think that people today are concerned enough about protecting endangered species?



Do you think that technology will create more job opportunities in the future?


Do you think that the quality of medical services in Japan is declining?



Do you think that the unmarried rate in Japan will increase in the future?








Global warming is a crucial issue for all of us to tackle. Are humans capable of reversing the ongoing climate change across the globe?




In Japan, low participation in elections has become a significant issue. Do you think that young people today do enough to contribute to politics?




Japan imports a lot of food. Do you think that Japan can produce enough food for all its residents in Japan?




Japan is becoming an aging society. Should more be done to improve the pension system in Japan?




Japan is going to be an aging society. Do you think that it is a good idea for companies to hold back the date of the mandatory retirement age?




People's interest in the environment is increasing day by day. Is recycling the best way for society to help the environment?




Some employees who have been with a company for a long time tend to have higher salaries. Should companies pay salaries based more on job performance than on seniority?




Some people enjoy their free time in public parks. Are local governments providing enough public services in Japan?




Some say they haven't seen Japan's technological innovation for a long time. Do you think that Japanese technology today will stay competitive in the global market?




The concentration of the population in cities is a problem. Should the government limit the number of people living and visiting the Tokyo area?




The frequency of severe natural disasters is a growing concern. Are natural disasters more devastating than ever before?




The number of Japanese students studying abroad is decreasing. Should the Japanese government provide young people with more opportunities to study abroad?




There are always wars and conflicts happening somewhere in the world. Should people make more effort to contribute to world peace?




There are many abandoned farmlands in Japan. Should more be done to improve agriculture in Japan?




Thousands of tablet computers have been introduced to some schools in Japan. Are Japanese high schools doing enough to improve their education systems?







































TEL : 080-5129-4143

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英検 ライティング 予想問題

